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View from the Park

​Corporate Governance

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Preservation Documents Policy 

A policy on the Preservation of Documents would ensure safe keeping of the records and safeguard the documents from getting mishandled, while at the same time avoiding overflow of inventory of documents.

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Policy on Identification of Material Subsidiary 

The management of the Material Subsidiary shall periodically bring to the attention of the Board of Directors of the Company, a statement of all Significant Transactions and Arrangements entered into by the Material Non-Listed Indian Subsidiary.

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Archival Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to frame the guidelines for fundamental accountability of the Company to retain and preserve its documents as the basis for communication with a range of stakeholders and to determine the period of record keeping and preservation and disposal of the physical as well as electronic records of the Company.

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Succession Policy

The objective of this Succession Policy is to ensure the orderly identification and selection of new Directors or Senior Management so that the investors of a listed company do not suffer in the event of any vacancy, whether such vacancy exists by reason of an anticipated retirement, an unanticipated departure, the expansion of the size of the Company, or otherwise.

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Dividend Distribution Policy 

The Company intends to offer maximum return on investment to the shareholders keeping in mind the underlying growth and future of the Company.

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Board Diversity Policy

The Company believes that Board appointments should be based on merit and from the diverse fields that complements and enhances the quality of the decisions made by the Board by utilizing the skills, experience and expertise of the Board in consideration of the principles relating to fit and proper person and other norms.

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Whistle Blower Policy

We, at Highway Infrastructure Limited believe in the conduct of the affairs of its constituents in a fair and transparent manner by adopting highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour. The Company is committed to developing a culture where it is safe for all employees to raise concerns about any poor or unacceptable practice and any event of misconduct.

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Policy on Related Party Transaction

The objective of this policy is to ensure proper approval and reporting of transactions between the Company and its Related Parties. This policy intends to bring uniform practices relating to Related Party Transactions covering the process, methodology, arm’s length pricing, disclosures and compliances.

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Familiarization Programme for Independent Director

The objective of the Familiarization Programme is to help the Independent Directors understand the Company, the operations, business, industry and environment in which it functions and the regulatory environment applicable to it by requiring the Independent Directors to adhere to a code and standard of ethics and integrity for fulfillment of their responsibilities in a professional and faithful manner to promote confidence of the investor community particularly minority shareholders, regulatory authorities and the stakeholders at large.

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Policy on Disclosure of Material Events or Information 

The objective of this Policy is to determine the materiality of events or information of the Company and to ensure that such information is adequately disseminated in pursuance of the Regulations and to provide an overall governance framework for such determination of materiality.

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CSR Policy

The main objective of the Policy is to lay down guidelines for the Company to make CSR a key business process for sustainable development, making a positive impact on society, and enhancing the Company’s image as a credible and reliable business partner for suppliers, customers and society at large.

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Nomination & Remuneration Committee Policy

As per the provisions of the Act and the Listing Regulation, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board shall lay appropriate criteria for selection of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, and Senior Management and formulate appropriate policy for payment of equitable remuneration to them. 

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 POSH Policy

HIL is committed to adhere to the highest standards of ethical, moral and legal conduct of business operations. To maintain these standards, our company is committed to providing work environment that ensures every employee is treated with dignity, respect and equitable treatment.

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Appointment of Independent Director

The Independent Director(s) of the Company shall be appointed for a term of 5 (five) consecutive years, by the Board of Directors and will not be liable to retire by rotation. Re-appointment at the end of the term shall be based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and subject to the approval of the Board and the Members.

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Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading

The Company endeavours to preserve the confidentiality of unpublished price sensitive information and to prevent misuse of such information. The Company is committed to transparency and fairness in dealing with all stakeholders and in ensuring adherence to all laws and regulations.

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Materiality Policy

A company shall be considered material and disclosed as 'Group Company' if a material adverse change in such company, can lead to a material adverse effect on the Company and its revenues and profitability.

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Fair Disclosure

The Company endeavours to preserve the confidentiality of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information and to prevent its misuse. To achieve these objectives, and in compliance with the aforesaid Regulations, the Company has adopted this Fair Disclosure Code. 

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Code of Conduct for Board Member and Senior Management Personnel

It is Policy of the Company to conduct its business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which such business is conducted and to do so with complete honesty and integrity in accordance with highest moral and ethical standard. The Company expects all Officers to accomplish all tasks in the capacity of Officer, whether in the premises of the Company or outside, with highest degree of honesty, integrity and professional ethics.

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